

Concise Information You Need To Know Concerning the Government’s Decision To Lock Down Phnom Penh and Ta Khmao City.

Phnom Penh has been severely hit by a new wave of infections as the coronavirus transmission has spread in some notable locations in the capital. On April 9, it was reported that there were 544 people tested positive for COVID-19, which is the biggest rise in cases for one day in Phnom Penh as well as in the country.

Cambodia has recorded 5218 cases of Covid-19 in which 4678 cases were connected to the Feb. 20 Community Outbreak which resulted in a death toll of 36 people so far.

Due to the main concern of the Covid-19 situation in Phnom Penh which is getting out of hand, The Royal Government of Cambodia has officially decided to implement a full lockdown of Phnom Penh and Ta Kmao City of Kandal in order to curb the spread of Covid-19.

The lockdown will last for 14 days taking effect from 00:01 a.m on April 15 to 28 according to Prime Minister Hun Sen.

Below are some crucial and concise information you need to know regarding the government’s decision to lock down Phnom Penh and Ta Kmao City.

  1. Traveling to buy food and other necessary items within the lockdown areas is still permitted, however, it can only be done a few times per week and only 1 or 2 family members per household are granted to go outside.
  2. You are allowed to travel for emergency reasons such as going to the hospital or clinic or going to be tested for COVID-19 within or outside the lockdown areas.
  3. Journalists, diplomats, international organizations, NGOs employees, and government officials who bring along their IDs and supporting work documents will be granted the right to travel within the lockdown areas as long as they strictly adhere to the Preventive Measures issued by the Ministry of Health.
  4. Indispensable businesses such as foods shops, pharmacies, hospitals, food facilities, slaughterhouses, delivery services with proper licenses, hotels and guesthouses, online businesses, supermarkets, mini markets, takeaway restaurants, gas stations, telecommunication companies, banks, and Microfinance Institutions are allowed to operate during this lockdown (However, it shall be noted that all the permissions to allow traveling by above-mentioned individuals and operations of businesses shall not be done during the curfew which is from 8 pm to 5 am)