The New Normal: Getting Used to the Changes.
It is very challenging to adjust through changes in a world full of flexibility and variation. Since the start of 2020, we have encountered unprecedented circumstances due to the presence of Covid-19 all around the world and faced its impacts as well.
All Industries and business sectors are entirely affected by this pandemic, while a certain number has shut down the business or paused for quite a long while. The same thing happens in real estate sector, especially for some Realtor or real estate agents as they are struggling to find clients, close deals, while some of them find it difficult to generate sales during this period.
As a result, it brings us to the question of What is “The New Normal? “. This article will address 3 things of what Realtors should do to adapt to the new normal and of course generate more sales.
1. Educate Your Buyer.
Real estate agents should be focusing on explaining how Covid-19 has transformed the industry on both social networks and social media as there is a saying that “Don’t market to your customer until you educate them first”.
We need to make use of this situation to educate our buyers and sellers on any policies adjusted or changes to our sales process and programs that are available to them via an online platform, because this is a huge opportunity to show our understanding, and expertise of the market dynamics to all people, especially to your customers & homebuyers. Therefore, with the presence of Covid-19 and its impacts, educating your customer via content marketing is one of the greatest ways to deliver superior value to your customer.

2. Technology Trend.
Technology has always been evolutionary in any business sector, including real estate. Technology is essentially the key to pushing the industry forward, as well as an imperative solution to solve problems in real estate in many ways.
As Real estate agents, they must learn how to use social media marketing, email marketing, and other high-tech based to communicate with buyers and sellers to market local communities and reach out to potentials buyers.
Secondly, innovative technology could be built as Real Estate Digital Apps users, creating even more conveniences for users to gain the access to market research, listing, rent, buy, resell, and manage a property. In Addition, it can be set up as another tool for agents to use for the purpose of keeping track and data with their users, as well as confirming and displaying the available units more efficiently and effectively to their customers. Therefore, as a realtor, we should embrace technology to enable the work faster, and more intelligently.

3. Operationalize Consumer Experience (CX)
Even though Covid-19 affects a complete change to the homebuyer experience; the need to serve customers remains stable. When an agent is being approached by clients, it creates an opportunity to the agent that your client is trusting for a reason, and you must deliver your honesty to your client because it is very essential to gain their full trust before executing your action plan of sales.
Moreover, throughout the process, you will be questioned a lot about details of the project, suggestions, and recommendations, concerns, and updates; therefore, an instant response is great for agents to meet their customers’ expectations.
Lastly, a real estate agent or realtor must learn to adapt business strategies to meet the buyers/sellers’ needs, and always upgrade your services, tools, strategy, connection, network, or anything that impacts the customer experience.