

Proptech: Is Technology Beneficial For Properties Buyers In Cambodia?

Technology has disrupted many industries and business models around the world as well as in Cambodia and the speed of these disruptions has been remarkably noticeable. While Covid-19 is still a huge problem for the majority of countries around the world including the kingdom, its looming presence has speeded up the integration and adoption of […]

Investing In Properties in Cambodia During The Pandemic: Should you do it?

The world as we know it has drastically changed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The ongoing Covid-19 crisis has affected many markets over the course of 2020 and 2021 — the property market being no exception. Although we are living in a time of uncertainty, this is also a time of opportunity for those who […]

Strata Title in Cambodia: Everything You Need To Know

What Is A Strata Title? Considered as a new type of property ownership in Cambodia, Strata title is the ONLY title granted to a foreign national.  Strata title is currently restricted to condominiums, and office buildings which means when you purchase any unit of these two buildings, you will mutually share the property and the […]

The Importance Of Green Spaces In A Time Of Crisis

As the alarming number of Covid-19 cases has risen significantly high as of recently in Phnom Penh, The Royal Government of Cambodia has officially decided to implement a full lockdown of Phnom Penh and its neighboring city (Ta Khmao) in order to reduce and curb the spread of Covid-19. As part of the current lockdown, […]

Condotels: Everything You Need To Know

In our previous posts, you have read about what a condominium is and factors you should consider before buying one. In this article, we will break down everything you need to know about another interesting term in real estate which is Condotel. What is a Condotel? The majority of people in Cambodia might not have heard of the word […]

The New Normal: Getting Used to the Changes.

The New Normal: Getting Used to the Changes. It is very challenging to adjust through changes in a world full of flexibility and variation. Since the start of 2020, we have encountered unprecedented circumstances due to the presence of Covid-19 all around the world and faced its impacts as well. All Industries and business sectors […]

Why Do We Need A Property Management Company?

Managing a property, no matter the size of the building, is not that simple. It is time-consuming and requires lots of commitment and efforts in order to make sure that the property you manage is running smoothly and cost-effectively. You also need to stay on top of general maintenance, advertise the listing in order to […]

Is Siem Reap The Next Best Investment Destination?

Considered as one of the best tourist destinations in the world, Siem Reap attracts millions of visitors from all over the globe annually. As Cambodia’s unofficial tourism capital, it boasts a variety of natural and man-made attractions including some of the most spectacular temples in the world, well-maintained colonial buildings, distinctive museums, cultural theme parks, […]

Everything You Need To Know Before Buying Your First Condo

Is it YOU who have difficulty finding a perfect home for yourself and your family? Is it YOU who want to find an ideal place to live that is near prime locations such as supermarkets, restaurants, hospitals, government offices, schools and many more? Is it YOU who want to live your life to the fullest […]