

Are bigger homes always better than the smaller ones?

Is having a big house REALLY a clear indication of success and is that what you REALLY need when buying a home? For generations, most Cambodian people think that owning a huge house is equivalent to being successful and wealthy. However, to what extent, do you think the above statement is true?  At a quick […]

Top 5 reasons why real estate investment is the best investment

The real estate industry has long been a niche that is constantly thriving. Despite the current Covid-19 situation in Cambodia which is obviously unpredictable, there lies many great opportunities for those shrewd, forward thinking investors and developers out there who view this crisis as the perfect timing to expand their existing property portfolio or invest […]

Cambodia’s Property Management in the era of Covid-19

2021 has become a milestone in many ways, especially with the availability of vaccines around the world as well as in Cambodia. The quick rollout of vaccines in Cambodia indicates a possible end to the pandemic which has been affecting many businesses and industries in the kingdom since the start 0f 2020 until now. With […]

Buying your first home? Plan ahead by following these steps.

Buying a new home can be challenging for a first-timer. After all, there are so many steps, tasks, and requirements. Therefore, you should be very cautious because this will determine whether you will regret or be satisfied with your decision. While preparing to buy your first home, there is nothing more important than organization and […]

Different types of Interior Design You Need to Know

What is Interior Design? There are many formats, shapes and formulas when it comes to Interior Design. Some interior designs are so similar with only the subtlest of differences. Some are utterly distinct from each other, yet each design presents its own flavor, finish and experience to suit the demand of different people. Therefore, knowing […]

Buying VS leasing strata-titled office: Which one is better?

For the previous post, you have read about strata title and the differences between condominium and strata-titled office. In this article, we would like to highlight some of the key factors that you should consider before making the decision to buy or lease your next office space or strata-titled office. Whatever your decision is, make sure […]

Proptech: Is Technology Beneficial For Properties Buyers In Cambodia?

Technology has disrupted many industries and business models around the world as well as in Cambodia and the speed of these disruptions has been remarkably noticeable. While Covid-19 is still a huge problem for the majority of countries around the world including the kingdom, its looming presence has speeded up the integration and adoption of […]

Investing In Properties in Cambodia During The Pandemic: Should you do it?

The world as we know it has drastically changed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The ongoing Covid-19 crisis has affected many markets over the course of 2020 and 2021 — the property market being no exception. Although we are living in a time of uncertainty, this is also a time of opportunity for those who […]

Strata Title in Cambodia: Everything You Need To Know

What Is A Strata Title? Considered as a new type of property ownership in Cambodia, Strata title is the ONLY title granted to a foreign national.  Strata title is currently restricted to condominiums, and office buildings which means when you purchase any unit of these two buildings, you will mutually share the property and the […]

The Importance Of Green Spaces In A Time Of Crisis

As the alarming number of Covid-19 cases has risen significantly high as of recently in Phnom Penh, The Royal Government of Cambodia has officially decided to implement a full lockdown of Phnom Penh and its neighboring city (Ta Khmao) in order to reduce and curb the spread of Covid-19. As part of the current lockdown, […]