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ហេតុអ្វីបានជា ឆ្នាំ២០២៣ គឺជាឱកាសល្អក្នុងការទិញអចលនទ្រព្យ??

“ក្នុងវិបត្តិតែងមានឱកាស” ជាឃ្លាដែលវិនិយោគិនភាគច្រើនតែងតែយកមកប្រើ និងចាប់ផ្ដើមប្រមូល​ទិញដី​ទុក​ ដើម្បីលក់ចេញវិញខណៈពេលសេដ្ឋកិច្ចងើបឡើងវិញ។ ការសម្រេចចិត្តទិញអចលនវត្ថុអំឡុងពេលមានវិបត្តិសេដ្ឋកិច្ច គឺជាការសម្រេចចិត្តមួយដែលប្រថុយប្រថាន និង​មានភាពតានតឹងខ្លាំងមែនទែន ពីព្រោះតម្រូវការនៃការទិញ និងជួលបច្ចុប្បន្នមានការធ្លាក់ចុះជាងមុន។ ចំណែក​ឯការរក​​ចំណូលប្រចាំខែក៏មានការប្រែប្រួល ដែលវាជម្រុញឲ្យមានសន្ទុះនៃការលក់ចេញដីធ្លី រួមមាន បុរី​កាន់​តែ​​​ច្រើ​នឡើង។ ដោយយោងទៅតាមរបាយការណ៍សិក្សា អំពីស្ថានភាពទីផ្សារអចលនវត្ថុឆ្នាំ2023 របស់ក្រុមហ៊ុនអចលនវត្ថុ ភ័ញធើ ប្រផឹធី  បានបង្ហាញឲ្យឃើញថា ពេលនេះគឺជាឱកាសដ៏ល្អបំផុតក្នុងការវិនិយោគអចលនវត្ថុ សម្រាប់​អ្នក​ដែលមានសុខភាពហិរញ្ញវត្ថុរឹងមាំ អាចទប់ទល់នឹងការប្រែប្រួលនៃប្រាក់ចំណូល ការចំណាយ និងការ​សង​ត្រឡប់វិញទៅកាន់ធនាគារ​ព្រោះ តម្លៃដីធ្លី និងលំនៅឋាន បច្ចុប្បន្ននេះកំពុងតែមាន​តម្លៃថេនិងអចលនវត្ថុខ្លះក៏ត្រូវបានគេដាក់លក់ក្នុងតម្លៃក្រោមទីផ្សារផងដែរ។ សរុបន័យជារួមមក ការសម្រេចវិនិយោគអចលនទ្រព្យបានត្រូវពេលវេលា នឹងអាច​ជួយបង្កើនប្រាក់ប្រាក់ចំណូលអកម្ម​ដល់អ្នក ព្រោះស្ថានភាពបែបនេះ ចំនួនអ្នកទិញ និងអ្នកជួលធ្លាក់ចុះ ចំណែកឯអ​ចលនទ្រព្យ​ក៏នៅ​ទំនេរច្រើន តម្លៃក៏នៅល្អ ហើយទីតាំងសក្ដានុពលក៏មានច្រើន​ ដែលបង្កើតឲ្យមានជម្រើសច្រើន តម្លៃក្រោមទីផ្សារ និងមានអំណាច​នៃ​ការ​ចរចារ​​ជាមួយម្ចាស់ទ្រព្យ។​ តាមដានរបាយការណ៍សិក្សា អំពីស្ថានភាពទីផ្សារអចលនវត្ថុភ្នំពេញឆមាសទី១ ឆ្នាំ2023 ជាច្រើនទៀតរបស់ក្រុមហ៊ុនភ័ញធើតាមតំណនេះ Download Report Now!

A Strategic Partnership Set to Redefine Luxury Living and Office Spaces in Phnom Penh

In a landmark move that underscores its commitment to enhancing Cambodia’s luxury living and working sector, Odom Living Co. Ltd. has partnered with IHG Hotels & Resorts to introduce the Vignette Collection to Phnom Penh in 2027. This partnership is set to redefine luxury living in Southeast Asia and attract a new wave of discerning […]

A Foreigner’s Guide to Buying Property in Cambodia

Dreaming about owning property in Cambodia and don’t know where to begin? You’re in luck! At Pointer, we specialize in assisting foreigners like you to transition into Cambodia’s property market smoothly. Here’s our comprehensive, step-by-step guide that breaks down the journey into manageable stages. By the end of this article, we hope to have ignited the […]

A Comprehensive Guide to Securing a Home Loan in Cambodia for Foreigners

Learn how to secure a home loan in Cambodia as a foreigner. Our comprehensive guide walks you through the legal framework, obtaining a Strata Title, finding a property, and more. As a foreigner, investing in real estate in Cambodia can be a rewarding venture. The country’s real estate market has been on a steady rise, […]

Saving Towards Homeownership

At Pointer Property, we understand the challenge of home buying and recognize that it’s a significant milestone and a personal achievement. With the escalating real estate prices, particularly in urban areas, finding a home that fits your budget without compromising on the location can be tough. But we’re here to guide you through this journey. […]

Why You Should Invest in Cambodian Real Estate?

As one of Southeast Asia’s fastest-growing economies, Cambodia holds promising prospects for real estate investment. Its progressive property laws, high rental yields, and robust economic growth make it a strategic option for both domestic and international investors. Here are some compelling reasons to consider investing in Cambodian real estate: High Rental Yields Cambodia offers attractive […]

Pointer’s Premium Listings

Whether you’re interested in finding a home that resonates with your lifestyle or exploring rewarding real estate investment opportunities, Pointer Property is your tech-enabled real estate partner. We boast a vast portfolio of properties catering to all needs and offer comprehensive services in Khmer, English, and Chinese to ensure a seamless experience for our global clientele. We […]

A Peek into Pointer’s Forthcoming Technological Innovations

Technology plays a pivotal role in shaping societal development in the rapidly evolving digital landscape in multifarious ways. Particularly in real estate – an industry experiencing exponential growth, propelled by technology. In Cambodia, a remarkable surge in urbanization has escalated housing demand, triggering a 15.4% rise in the Phnom Penh Residential Property Price Index (RPPI) […]

Siem Reap’s Upgraded Hospital Poised to Elevate Living Standards for Condo Residents at Rose Apple Square

Pointer is thrilled to witness the near completion of the upgraded Siem Reap Provincial Referral Hospital. Situated just a kilometer from the residential mix-use development of Rose Apple Square, this hospital’s strategic location and cutting-edge services will offer immense benefits to the local community and international tenants alike. Poised to revolutionize healthcare in Cambodia, this hospital — […]